Press coverage

Press coverage of M. Lesur et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 015003 (2016) and T. Ido et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 015002 (2016)

Mini-feature (2min22sec) on public television, Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) - Gifu

Scientific news article, "Abrupt excitation phenomenon in high-temperature plasma", which was highlighted at the top of the frontpage of EurekAlert. Similar articles on, ScienceDaily, and ScienceNewsline.

National online newspaper: NHK news

Regional newspapers: Gifu Newspaper, and Tono Newspaper.

Acknowledgments: the Communication Unit of the National Institute for Natural Sciences for the press release, and the National Institute for Fusion Science for hosting the press conference.

Public outreach

January 2024 - 15 minutes podcast (Sciences en Lumières on nuclear fusion and GRANUL project)

Listen on soundcloud

June 2023 - Public conference on nuclear fusion

August 2023 - Radio broadcast (RCF) of 12-minutes interview on nuclear fusion and GRANUL project

September 2023 - “Speed-searching” @ Nuit Européenne des Chercheurs (NEDC)

"Le choc des noyaux : 1 gigawatt dans un verre d’eau !"

2014 - Vulgarisation of our results of [M. Lesur, et al., Plasma Phys. Control. 015002 (2016)] featured on Japanese Fus. 56, 075005 (2014)]

2013 - On the importance of advanced mathematics in physics and everyday life

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